Bali is a popular destination for many people from Australia and further afield.
Certain sectors of foreign visitors find it hard to exhibit decent behaviour and can’t seem to understand that what they think is funny at home is insulting in Bali.
A recent issue has developed with Russians causing problems – at least they haven’t invaded – but the local police seem to be getting on top of that issue.
The problem of riding a scooter in flip flops, t-shirts and shorts and crashing causing injury just doesn’t seem to stop. Why doesn’t their brain work out that coming off dressed as such, is like leaping naked on to sandpaper!
Add to this is the still significant numbers of visitors who don’t travel with adequate insurance and when hospitalised relay on a gofundme page to sort the financial problem out!
Visitors going to Bali will have to fork over IDR 150,000 (AU$15) from the beginning of next year, Governor Wayan Koster said.
The tourist reliant island welcomes millions of visitors every year, with Aussie travellers high amongst those enjoying the sun kissed spot of sanctuary.
Koster said that the fee will only applied once for each visitor during their time in Bali.
“We have set the fee at IDR150,000 for one visit to Bali, specifying the amount in Indonesian rupiah to avoid following the fluctuating dollar exchange rate,” he said.
The Bali Provincial Government will collect the fee electronically and apply to tourists entering from abroad or other parts of Indonesia. It doesn’t apply to domestic Indonesian tourists.
Koster does not believe that the tax will deter tourists and explained how the money would be used.
“We will use it for the environment, culture and we will build better quality infrastructure so travelling to Bali will be more comfortable and safe,” he told reporters.
The tax comes amid a slew of instances of bad behaviour.
To combat this, the Balinese government handed out a list of ‘dos and don’ts’ for incoming tourists. These include showing respect for local religious symbols, dressing modestly and behaving politely.
Those that don’t follow the rules risk having their visa cancelled!
Here are the 12 points below:
- Respect the sanctity of temples, pratimas (sacred statues), and religious symbols.
- Wholeheartedly respect the customs, traditions, arts, culture, and local wisdom of the Balinese people during ongoing ceremonial processions and rituals.
- Dress modestly, appropriately, and respectfully when visiting sacred areas, tourist attractions, public places, and engaging in activities in Bali.
- Behave politely in sacred areas, tourist areas, restaurants, shopping areas, roads, and other public places.
- Be accompanied by licensed tour guides (who understand the natural conditions, customs, traditions, and local wisdom of the Balinese people) when visiting tourist attractions.
- Exchange foreign currency at authorised money changers (both banks and non-banks) that are officially licensed and display the authorisation number and QR code logo from Bank Indonesia.
- Make payments using the Indonesian Standard QR Code (QRIS);
- Conduct transactions using the Indonesian rupiah.
- Comply with the applicable traffic laws in Indonesia, including possessing a valid international or national driving license, obey traffic rules, dress modestly, wear a helmet, follow traffic signs, not exceed passenger capacity, and no driving under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs.
- Use four-wheeled transportation that is roadworthy and officially registered or two-wheeled transportation that is operated by a legal business entity or association for two-wheeler rentals.
- Stay in accommodations that possess the required permits according to applicable regulations.
- Adhere to all specific provisions/rules that apply to each tourist attraction and tourist activity.

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